Help GreySave hounds and celebrate a life or a special event at the same time! image

Help GreySave hounds and celebrate a life or a special event at the same time!

Your donations to GreySave in the name of your friend or pet will help GreySave care for the retired racing greyhounds they bring in from the track and help them find their forever homes.

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We have found that some people really do have everything and instead of give giving them a gift they would prefer that you donate to a good cause in their name. Maybe it is to celebrate a special event like a the anniversary of adopting a special greyhound friend or their passing. Or maybe you want to celebrate a birthday, a holiday, a wedding or about any special event. Or maybe just want to honor a special person or pet's life. If that is right for you then please do donate and help the hounds of GreySave.

Based on your directions, GreySave will send a personalized letter or note card to the celebrated person or the pet's adopter. And you will receive a thank you acknowledgement for your tax-deductible contribution and they get the pleasure of knowing you donated to a good cause.